Reproducing a Konflux Conforma report locally

This requires that you installed ec locally as described in Command line Conforma, and that you have at least one Enterprise Contract integration test pipeline run in your Konflux environment.

Follow the procedure for accessing the Konflux cluster via the oc command line client as described here.

Run the following commands to extract the raw YAML output from the most recent Conforma pipeline run.

TR_NAME=$( kubectl get taskrun --selector --sort-by='.status.startTime' -o name | tail -1 )
POD_NAME=$( kubectl get $TR_NAME -o jsonpath='{.status.podName}' )
kubectl logs -c step-report $POD_NAME | tee ec-report.yaml

Extract some useful parts of the Conforma report output and save them to files.

yq .key ec-report.yaml | tee
yq .policy ec-report.yaml | tee policy.yaml

Extracting the components list is similar, but a little more complicated. Note that it currently needs to be JSON formatted.

yq -o json '{"components":.components.[] | [{"name", "containerImage":.containerImage}]}' ec-report.yaml | tee snapshot.json

With the snapshot file, the public key and the policy file, we can reproduce the Conforma output like this:

ec validate image --file-path snapshot.json --public-key --policy policy.yaml --info --output yaml | tee ec-report-new.yaml

You can check the diff to see if there are any differences:

diff ec-report.yaml ec-report-new.yaml # ...or vimdiff